Wednesday, December 3, 2008

FCA Gives Back

Here are some stories from the field on FCA Gives Back:

Operation Christmas Child official results are in. We have collected 135 Boxes that will be going out to some very special kids somewhere in the world! I want to thank all of the teachers, secretaries and students that gave so generously to these little ones. While it may seem a small thing to us to get such a gift, it is a really big thing to these kids that have almost nothing. One teacher at RHS reported to me that on her trip to Zambia one June, she saw kids still carrying around their boxes which they received in December ! Good Morning America last week carried a story about a woman who, as a little girl in Russia received a box and how impacting it was to her life. Her parents were both alcoholics and when she got the present, it was a life changing thing for her! The boxes are on the way to their destinations and soon, in a month, there are going to be some very happy kids!! Richardson High School FCA

"We had a huge success last night for our scavenger hunt. We had over 50 kids and 9 groups go out and try to collect 20 different items from the community and they came back with bags full!! It was an awesome response. I'm sure we had close to 200 cans of assorted things from veggies to meats, milk, fruit, lots of flour, sugar, and other necessities needed to cook a great Thanksgiving meal. We even had one group bring in a frozen turkey!! The kids gathered enough food to feed 10 - 15 families for Thanksgiving. It was an awesome display of caring hearts!"Allen High School FCA

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